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*16 CCE credits avaliable

Tired of Waiting for Certification?

Break Free from the Credibility Myth and Start Signing Clients Now

—Even Before You Graduate

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Discover a simple method to create and close high-ticket coaching deals

Even before certification.

Why are so many ICF coaches in training putting off finding clients until certification?

You've poured your heart into the training. Mastered the core competencies. But that nagging voice insists you're not "ready" for paid clients yet.

It's NOT about being certified. It's NOT about having all the answers.

The real truth? Coaches are being held back by the Credibility Myth. That sneaky belief that you need letters after your name before anyone will pay you.

Well, it's time to shatter that myth for good.

. . . Does this sound familiar?

Now, you might be thinking,
"But I'm not experienced enough. How can I possibly start getting clients?" I hear you. But ask yourself...Can you really afford to keep waiting?

Think about it...

When you sign three high-paying clients before you even graduate, everything changes. You’ll have the confidence to start marketing your services without hesitation. Instead of offering free sessions or bartering, you’ll actually get paid as a coach. Plus, you’ll get a real sense of whether you like the niche you're targeting and if you're on the right path. It’s a game-changer for your coaching business!

We've seen it time and time again—coaches who wait too long to start selling often never make it as a certified coach, and their dream slips away. It's a real loss, not just for the coach, but for the clients who miss out on their support and all the time and energy they’ve invested in training. It’s heartbreaking to see.

It’s time to break the credibility myth once and for all— don’t wait for certification to start selling your coaching. You are ready now!

Common Struggle 1

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Common Struggle 2

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Common Struggle 3

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Sounds good?

We totally agree, and that’s why we teach you a simple, step-by-step approach. And don’t worry—we’re not going to charge you $20,000 for it (unless you want us to).




for ICF Coaches

The Unscripted Sales Course gives you what your coaching program DIDN'T: real-world sales methods for finding clients and selling your coaching.

Let me be real with you...

Coaches are naturally great at sales (seriously). In fact, the ICF Coaching Competencies you learned to help a client take bold action in a coaching call will help you in sales too! In fact, all of your coaching competencies are used in a sales call.

I'll show you how. . .

and when you learn this you'll do a face palm and wonder why they didn't teach you this in coach training!

Even if you feel totally lost trying to explain what coaching is, unsure how your coaching skills fit into sales calls, or terrified of failing, I pinky-promise—you’re actually amazing at sales. You just don’t know it yet. We'll show you!

How? . . .




that’s just for heart-centered and ICF aligned Coaches.

Because you’re not selling cars or life insurance. You’re selling COACHING — and a better life for your clients. You need a different approach — and it isn’t mass-marketing on social media.

Common Struggle 1

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Common Struggle 2

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Common Struggle 3

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Your Business. Built and Thriving.

Picture this: Confidently inviting clients to sales calls and feel embodied and confident to host a call and enroll a client in your $1500 three month program, in one 45 minute joy filled sales call.

A student just sold a $50,000 program using this method earlier this year! And you actually get to listen on one of her sales calls and she firsthand how she uses the 5-step sales call framework, inside the program.

Become as excited and confident to sell to clients as you are to coach them. And you don't need to invest in a website, meticulously define your niche, or develop a library of online modules (just yet).

This elite method — custom-tailored just for ICF coaches (but great for all coaches) — shows you how to be open-hearted on the phone and get connect deeply on sales calls . . . then onboard clients with ease!

Inside of the course, you'll learn to sell your coaching right away.

Get Clients Before You

Even Graduate From Coach Training!

And After You've Sold Your Coaching...

we invite you to dive into the Bonus Biz Resources to keep the momentum going. From email marketing, creating your first "freebie" or opt-in, to managing Facebook groups and even setting up your first Facebook ad - we've got your covered!

Did I mention you get sales cheat sheets too?

Yes, ma'am! Last week a client started using the sales call framework + cheat sheets and sold to three clients! She hadn't even finished the on-demand course. In addition, you'll find lists of powerful questions, mindfulness exercises for you, prospect tracking sheets and so much more!

You'll love the aligned email templates

We know what stops you from starting and sometimes you just need someone to hand you a step-by-step guide to take the first step. This is why we gift you an example email sequence to use with your clients!

Need a website?

We support you with this too! We partners with ExpertSites, the very folks that build Russ Ruffino's sites - to bring you the most cost effective and beautiful website up within weeks!

Common Struggle 1

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Common Struggle 2

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Common Struggle 3

Lores Ipsum paaudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.



for ICF Coaches

After learning the Unscripted Sales Method, you’ll totally: . . .

  • Confidently sell your services for $1500 or more.

  • Unlock industry secrets to boost your chances of a "yes" and deliver your services like a pro.

  • Discover the marketing strategies that align with your natural strengths.

  • Discover how the ICF Core Competencies can become your superpower on sales calls.

  • Master the 5-step sales process you can use no matter what you sell or how big your offers get.

  • Enjoy sales calls just as much as coaching (seriously).

Here's what's included:

Once you sign up, you’ll get instant access to everything you need to start finding and signing clients—even before certification! You’ll dive into over 20 lessons to help you get paid as a coach. There’s too much to list here, but know that we also host live coaching calls twice a month, plus monthly calls and group challenges, like "Five Ways to Find Clients."


  • Eliminate no-shows

  • Prepare the client for the call

  • Set up your calendar and specific intake questions (I’m going to share with you what million-dollar teams do here - it’s so cool)


  • When a client says yes, don’t hesitate. You’ll feel confident, and your clients will feel secure in their decision to work with you!

  • Learn how to Activate the YES on the first call (this is a game-changer)

  • Support clients in paying-in-full without distracting from the YES


  • Grab a quick overview of the framework and understand how it came to be and why certain steps come before others in full support of the client.

  • Understand how to use the printable framework on your calls - step-by-step plus bonus cheat sheets galore.

  • Learn where to apply the 8 ICF Core Competencies.


  • The secret to not being salesy (this will help you instantly increase your close rate!)

  • Learn how to go beyond pleasantries and build trust quickly.

  • Learn the ICF Core Competencies to highlight here!


  • Understand why the real choice a client is making has nothing to do with you.

  • Learn to be confident as you talk about money, investment, and struggle.

  • Learn the ICF Core Competencies to highlight here!


  • Help clients to dream BIG and far beyond the humdrum of day-to-day.

  • Learn how our 5 step sales framework helps to eliminate the money objection forever!

  • Learn the ICF Core Competencies to highlight here!


  • Why “pitch” is a 4 letter word and the real secret to simple and powerful offers.

  • Understand that how you feel matters more than what you say (this is so transformational).

  • Learn the ICF Core Competencies to highlight here!


  • Support clients in coming to a choice and making a decision with love & support.

  • Fall in love with objections (AKA buying questions) and lovingly support as clients take the first step to transform their lives.

  • Learn the ICF Core Competencies to highlight here!

Plus these additional bonus modules


  • Learn exactly where, in the sales call, you should lean into a particular coaching competency. 16 ICF CCE Credits Avaliable.

  • Understand the similarities and differences between a sales call and a coaching call.


  • Once you sell to your first five clients it's time to create a sustainable and ease filled business.

  • Bonus Resources include: first "freebie" creation, email templates, sales cheat sheets, program agreements, membership sites, website support, creating your first Facebook ad, Facebook group management, liability insurance support.

and so much more...

Hello Coaches

I'm a million dollar sales team leader turned coach, Michelle Rockwood

Founder, Unscripted Sales™

I help heart-centered coaches sell well — and sell more — with the methods I discovered as a million-dollar sales-team leader . . . withOUT the pushy sales tactics.

I’m proud to say my clients have delivered millions of dollars of coaching services with my help. All while feeling confident, in command, and in integrity with their ethics, ICF Core Competencies and core values.

And you can sell more too!

I’m here to lead you by the hand and personally show you the behind-the-scenes methods of million-dollar coaches in the Unscripted Sales™ Program.

First 2-in-1 day ever!

That’s a new symbolic milestone for me.

Thanks for all the training!

Sara C

Discover how the ICF Core Competencies can be your super power on sales calls......

Sign Your First 3 Clients Without Feeling Like a Fraud Even if You're Still in Coach Training

Pay Back Your Coach Training, Learn Sales and Build Your Pipeline Before You even Graduate.

Avoid The Costly Mistakes Most ICF Coaches in Training Make Leaving Money on The Table.

Get ready to approach sales calls with confidence, effortlessly sign high-paying clients, and watch your coaching business thrive.

(without feeling pushy or salesy, or coming across as inauthentic...)


Get clients and get paid as a coach right away, avoiding the frustration of waiting until your training is complete.


Turn your coaching into a high-ticket offer, breaking free from the single-session, pay-as-you-go model that keeps so many coaches, therapists, and service providers stuck.


Discover how the ICF Core Competencies can be your superpower on sales calls, helping you stand out from the competition and confidently showcase your coaching without giving it away for free.

Here is what you'll never have to do again.

  • Wait until certification or graduation to sell.

  • Feel anxious about hosting sales calls and asking for fees.

  • Pray clients will magically find you.

  • Post daily on social media with nothing to show for it.

The Value Doesn't End Here

Get These Amazing Bonuses


Joyful Selling

I'll rush a copy of my book Joyful Selling: A Better Way to Yes For Heart-Centered Coaches to your door.

BEFORE you know it you'll love sales!

  • Dive into masculine vs. feminine sales and why a mix of both is ideal!

  • Understand how to price anchor and why that it's essential to a successful call.

  • Shift your mindset around money and get ready to receive in abundance!


Private Customized Coaching.

You now have a million dollar coach in your pocket - quite literally!

INSTANT answers to all your burning questions via Voxer app!

  • Confused on how to price your offer? Just ask via the app!

  • Did you get a "maybe" and you're unsure of what to do next? No problem!. I'll respond promptly via the Voxer app.

  • Get objection help in real time and have a million-dollar sales coach in your pocket!

But does this program work

Um yes!

the Unscripted Sales Method can get you tons of clients . . . even if:

  • You have no experience in sales . . . and selling makes you feel “sleazy”

  • You don’t know how to price or package your services (we'll show you!)

  • You did a five-figure marketing program that didn’t get the big results you wanted

  • You have ZERO sales so far and no social media following

  • Your not an ICF Coach (this works for all coaches)

  • You haven't graduated coach training yet!

Get this and much more with



  • Learn to Create Powerful Offers, Book sales and Sign Clients with ease!

  • Immediate Course Access

  • Voxer Sales Coaching

  • Your sales bible, Joyful Selling rushed to your door!

  • Live Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls. And Five Ways to Find Clients Workshop Series. This round only.

  • Members only private podcast (call replay and core trainings)!

  • The ability to impact more lives & share your work with the world.

  • 16 ICF CCE Credits

  • Sales skills for life.




You Pay

3 Monthly Payments of


(Total Price $3,000)

Savings of $17,000


Unscripted Sales is ideally for...

  • Coaches in Training

  • Experienced Coaches

  • ICF Trained Coaches

  • Industry experts

  • Therapists

  • Personal Trainers, Massage therapists


Do not purchase this product if...

  • You sell widgets or items

  • You're not a service provider

  • You're fine selling single sessions

  • You've never been coached

  • You like to make excuses

  • You don't want to make money

Attention Grabbing Testimonial Headline

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Name of Person

Title or Location

Attention Grabbing Testimonial Headline

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate

Name of Person

Title or Location

Attention Grabbing Testimonial Headline

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate

Name of Person

Title or Location

Celebrating a win! I just signed a new 6- month coaching client!

Celebrating a win! I just signed a new 6- month coaching client!

Jennifer T.

BodyMind Method Coach & Educator

Palm Coast, Florida

Michelle’s method of selling is so refreshing!

Michelle’s method of selling is so refreshing!

Jeanne O.

Business Profit & Strategist Coach

Cincinnati, Ohio

Now my client is stepping into a 3 month $2,450 program!

Now my client is stepping into a 3 month $2,450 program!

Laurel J.

BodyMind Method Coach & Massage Therapist

Manitoba, Canada

Limited Time Only

Join Us Now!

  • Daily Support Via Voxer App

  • Bi-Weekly Live Coaching Calls

  • Accountability Partners to Practice

  • On-Demand Learning Portal

  • 16 ICF CCE Credit

  • Sales Skills for Life

And Much More!

Heck Yes!

Get this and much more with



  • Learn to Create Powerful Offers, Book sales and Sign Clients with ease!

  • Immediate Course Access

  • Voxer Sales Coaching

  • Your sales bible, Joyful Selling rushed to your door!

  • Live Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls. And Five Ways to Find Clients Workshop Series. This round only.

  • Members only private podcast (call replay and core trainings)!

  • The ability to impact more lives & share your work with the world.

  • 16 ICF CCE Credits

  • Sales skills for life.




You Pay

3 Monthly Payments of


(Total Price $3,000)

Savings of $17,000

But they really shouldn't wait

For This Extremely Limited Time Offer

Please keep this section but hide it. I'll likely use this in the future.

This is your scarcity. You must have some sort of scarcity to encourage immediate action.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.


You Betcha

365 Day Money Back

We're confident you'll love this program. If you don’t think the program provided great value or wasn’t as promised, just let us know, and we’ll give you a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Voxer support and how does it work?

Voxer is a simple app that allows you to send text and voice memos. As soon as you join, we invite you to download the app (for free) and join our group chat. Here you’ll ask questions (i.e. what’s an activation fee? What calendar app is best? Why are recurring payments vital?) in real-time, and you’ll hear (or see) my responses. This feature allows us to customize your coaching while cutting through the noise of social media.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Guarantee? You Betcha. 365 day money back guarantee! I’m so confident that you’ll make back your investment that I’m happily guaranteeing your payment to get you off the fence.

Your success is risk-free! If you don’t bring in MORE money than you invested in this program, holler. I’ll promptly send back your payment — up to a full 365 days later. This program will help you help you sell your coaching if you're a life coach, a wellness coach, business coach or any service provider.

All of my clients go through Michelle’s sales training!

Michelle’s energy and expertise as a soulful sales coach has not only impacted my life and business for the better, but for all of my clients as well. All of my coaching clients go through her sales training because I’m 100% confident they are in the caring hands of an expert. I’m grateful to know her.

-Hannah Mongiat

Get this and much more with





You Pay

3 Monthly Payments of


(Total Price $3,000)

Save $17,000!

Here's what's included:

Everything you need to sell your coaching for thousands and deliver your services with ease!

  • Learn to Create Powerful Offers, Book sales and Sign Clients with ease!

  • Immediate Course Access

  • Voxer Sales Coaching

  • Your sales bible, Joyful Selling rushed to your door!

  • Live Coaching Calls. And Five Ways to Find Clients Workshop Series. This round only.

  • Members only private podcast (call replay and core trainings)!

  • The ability to impact more lives & share your work with the world.

  • 16 ICF CCE Credits

  • Sales skills for life.

Join Us Today

& get a FREE copy of Joyful Selling mailed to your door!

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